Monday, April 5, 2010

2010 - March Madness Duathlon

March Madness Duathlon; New York City - Sunday March 28, 2010
2m run, 12m bike, 2m run

First Run: 14:21. Started off towards the front and stuck to the back of the main pack. The run begins at the base of a hill so it’s a tough start. Warmed up by running easy for 15 minutes however the start was delayed so was quite cold (low 30s temps). Had a slow transition (1:09) as I look at the results. (Spring 2009 13:56; Fall 2009 13:54)

Bike: 33:29. Felt pretty strong on the bike and maintained a steady effort throughout without crushing myself or getting out of the saddle on the climbs. Hit a bunch of lap traffic on my second pass which slowed me a bit but overall pretty happy with my ride. Made it through the transition a little faster this time (0:50). (Spring 2009: 35:46; Fall 2009 32:21)

Second Run: 14:12. Felt better and better as the run progressed. Picked off a few people but by the turnaround the order was basically set. I would have been better off with another mile or so as I was gaining ground but not fast enough! (Spring 2009 14:38; Fall 2009 13:57)

Results: Finished 21st overall and 6th in my age group. A bit disappointing as last fall I was 8th overall and 1st AG. The field was the most competitive this race has ever been with a new course record and plenty of discs. Maybe next time I’ll take off the Armadillo tires first:) Below the headlines I am encouraged: my bike power in March is identical to last October’s (when I had a full season of racing in my legs). My run splits were a bit slower; I was sidelined for 6 weeks due to injury and have spent the past 4 weeks since coming back focused on steady runs (no speed work).

Next Race: REV3 Quassy Half Ironman in CT on June 6th

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