Friday, October 14, 2011

2011 - Central Park Duathlon

Central Park Duathlon; New York City - Sunday October 2, 2011

2m run, 12m bike, 2m run

To close out the 2011 season I made the annual pre-dawn pilgrimage to Central Park for the last local duathlon of the year. This sprint race series has been a nice way to begin and end my season. While sprints are not necessarily my strong suit, it is great to race locally in a more mellow setting than some of the bigger triathlons. This year my dad came up to race as well which added to the experience.

The first run started with an all out sprint up Cat Hill. Every year the race starts more like a 100-yard dash than a 2 mile run. I ran the first two miles in 6:12 and 6:18; this was a bit slower than last fall but fortunately faster than this past spring. Next I was on the bike for a quick two laps of the park. Again I was a somewhat slower than last year but managed to maintain a speed of 21.6mph.

By the time I reached the final run the race was decently spread out. There were a few people I could see ahead of me but after passing them I ran out of people to chase. These final two miles were somewhat slower at 6:36 and 6:24 before I crossed the finish line first in my age group with a final time of 1:04:18. My dad won his age group as well with a time of 1:19:48.

Until next year!

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