Sunday, November 3, 2013

2013 - Trans Pyrénées Cycling Trip

Trans Pyrénées; Sunday August 25 through Saturday August 31, 2013

My dad and I ventured back across the Atlantic for our second trip with Thomson Bike Tours.  This time we rode the trans-Pyrénées route, which spans the length of the mountain range from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.  Our journey began in the town of Sitges, just south of Barcelona in Spain.  After a one day warm-up on the famous Rat Penat, we spent six days riding through the Pyrénées on our way to the seaside town of Hendaye, France.

There is nothing better than riding your bike all day through magnificent countryside and alpine towns before bingeing on French and Spanish food in the evenings.

The ride profiles, embedded below, detail our journey.   In seven days we rode 513 miles and climbed 56,955 vertical feet.  That's a strong week on the bike...

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